Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here…..

How many people do we think the world can support at one time? I’m not an expert in or at anything, so this is only a hunch, but I’d say not a hell of a lot more. Does that sound reasonable, or do you think I could be way off?

God I hope I’m short……..the “equal and opposite re-action” to a population that is too heavy probably isn’t very nice. In terms of the existence of the human race, as we know it, one thing that is for certain is that population is not cyclic. People come in to this world faster than it ‘expels’ them.

Not only am I “Non-Expert Man!”, but I also am no genius. However, I doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we are growing……and growing and growing, and the real estate ain’t growing with us.

“Attrition”, here needs to kick into high gear. And now. Because there are governments, NGO’s and other mega-corporations, as well as individual million and billionaires that are too huge to be touchable by Man’s own laws, waiting and plotting and directing humanity towards their end goal. It is well known now around the planet that we truly are under the control of a very small group of hands, as compared to the sheer volume of people they ultimately Lord over. Are these people blood sucking, pale vampires or something? No. Not literally. Well, probably not.


These people believe it their destiny to rule the world, and in the sense of changing the “numbers” portion of the game as well. A much reduced, and as per current trends a DISARMED population, is by far a much smaller threat to One’s control of the globe.

So, why gives these ultra-elites the pleasure? Come on, all you nearly dead, living fossils! Let’s get it over with, shall we?

Sick humour. Sick and sad humour. HA

But this isn’t funny. It’s called ‘eugenics‘.

If you don’t like the news source from that link, you can still find thousands of other articles from every conceivable “political bias”.

In fact. If you’ve never heard of or looked into the plan to drop global population numbers, I’d suggest you spend an hour or two and poke around the web.

Before I start typing this blog entry, I will just say in advance that it is indeed another post about police. I am actually quite torn apart somewhat when it comes to making a case about the police state we (USA and Canada in particular) are rapidly entering into, simply because I have long time friends and neighbours who are police men and women. That’s my own problem I am dealing with. I’m seeking professional help to deal with the stress and anxiety haha.

If you clicked the link above you saw how the Twitter campaign backfired for the NYPD. Well, Jesus Christ, what the hell did they expect? Rudolph Gulliani wasn’t the impressive “hero” the media made him out to be during 9/11 (he actually profited from it and was not averse to that event taking place), the cops in that city are famous for abusing people etc etc etc. The whistle has been blown on the forces that are armed against us….that’s why they carry. I’m glad as hell people posted all those pictures of cops doing things cops aren’t supposed to do. We need more publicity on that stuff!! That’s why they want to confiscate cell phones and video cameras during “tense” moments. Have posted a link outlining that in previous blog. .

That’s why the US government and the cell phone giants down south are wanting to implement “kill switches” in cell phones. I’ve previously posted a link identifying that.

I want so effing badly to believe that if given “the order” (confiscate firearms physically door to door, intervene in a heated yet peaceful non-violent demonstration, round up the members of the great unwashed who are known “dissenters” (like yours truly….and fucking proud of it, thanks) etc etc, that these people who are our friends and neighbours will realize the idiocy and lunacy and the tyrannical tactics of the government that they chose to support by working for them, and stand down against that tyranny and walk side by side their brothers and sisters in the “real world”. But if that’s true, then why aren’t they now?

Surely to God there will be some members of the police and military forces who will dissent on their own? Imagine that worse case day: the shit has hit the fan, gun stores are prohibited from selling arms or ammunition to civilians (it’ll happen), the government has followed Venezuela’s lead and made it so that without a “card” or chip-style device to track all the food you buy (god forbid you “hoard” food) – see link below – water is a hell of a lot more expensive that it ever was…..blah blah blah, you get the idea. What percentage of cops and military personnel will participate in the rounding up of the plebs? How many of our friends and neighbours will participate in senseless beatings of the great unwashed to force them to tow the line? How many of us resisters or dissenters or whatever name you want to call us by, will be targeted and “dealt” with in advance? Cliven Bundy in Nevada and his supporters had teams of friggin’ SNIPERS aimed at them and ready to start picking them off if given the order. Review the Cliven Bundy case and you’ll see.

Imagine your buddy from high school whom you knew joined the police force….or worse is part of the FBI or something……and now the time has come to do as all the others in HISTORY have done and begin the round up. It’s coming, trust me. Ask all the people who were rounded up in Germany in the ’40’s for old Hitler there. People who weren’t even Jewish were rounded up and “dealt with” simply because they didn’t tow Hitlers line. When you say “look man, this is wrong!”, as your house is searched without a warrant for what are now (will be then) considered illegal firearms and ammunition, how do you suppose he or she will react to that? I’ll tell you. If they are at your door, they have already considered that participating in the tyranny is wrong, but have opted to go along with it. Kiss your friendships goodby. They will have been told by their superiors that “this” (worse case day) needs to happen to protect the country or save the Queen or protect the president or whatever the hell it is and they will believe it and handily participate. They do it now, and the “shit” hasn’t even hit the fan yet! Imagine what it’ll be like when their employers (our governments) are threatening THEM with being “dealt with” if they don’t tow the line and participate in the tyranny? Why do you think Hitler was such a genius? He pitted everyone against everyone through threats, violence and murders so that even they military and police themselves were too scared to turn their backs on their tyrannical government.

History always repeats itself. Without fail.

This is not intended to sound alarmist, and trust I am no frigging expert on anything, but if we don’t get on board with finding a way to “discourage” the tyranny that is being grown around here, we’re friggin’ doomed! We have got to find our ways to fight them and use the systems in place, their own systems, as best as possible, to “convince” them that this is not a road they want to go down. I don’t advocate using violence against someone who isn’t truly deserving of it, but I’m stating this publicly for all to see, that violence may one day be the only way to send that message. If the tyrannical government we are all living under has made it completely legal (through “legislation” etc) to do anything they want to us, which is a point in time that we are rapidly approaching, then guess what, it is then completely acceptable for the people to defend themselves, their families and properties with whatever means necessary. No matter who the enemy is. When push comes to shove, as history has again shown, the people will eventually take up arms and fight back.

It’s at the local, grassroots levels where we are going to see this. People must be ready, willing and able to do whatever is required in those moments that matter at the immediate, to affect change.

Stay strong. It can only get worse if you don’t.


I can dig how folks have differing tastes in all sorts of stuff. I hate baseball while others love it. Obviously I can’t ban baseball, cos you love it. Sooooo, why is it that whenever the topic turns to “guns”, the anti-gunners feel it is their civic duty to protect all those kids and helpless immigrants, or whatever the trendy gun victim of the week happens to be, you all think you can decide FOR US about whether or not we “need” our firearms? I know Oprah and doctor Phil hate guns. I know the controlling entities in Hollywood hate guns. I know Obama, your hero, hates guns (in the hands of a private citizen, that is). Imagine having to standby and watch your six year old daughter be humiliated and forced to walk through the Naked Body Scanners in an airport, exposing her private parts for some greasy, short tempered security guard to see. How’d that make you feel? Are you REALLY any safer when you fly, because Joe Security Guy can see your “package” when you scan through? Was it worth giving away another piece of your soul in the name of “fighting terrorism”.

My point is that as time flies by as quickly as it does, some of you out there in the world have got to wake up. If you can’t see them chipping away at you, faster than ever before, then God help you. You are truly on your own. When you consider in your mind all the “goings on’s” in the world, the blatant attacks on land owners and gun owners, the lies about 9/11 and the supposed killing of Osama Bin Laden…..and blah blah f***ing blah……….you can’t deny with a straight face that something just seems wrong. You f***ing KNOW they’re up to something, and it scares the hell out of you, so you bury it.

Ask yourself, why are agencies in the American government, like the postal services and weather services and such, buying up MILLIONS OF ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION? Making very difficult for you and I to buy ammo and hand loading supplies, I might add? You don’t see a teensy weensy bit of an attempt to lop-side the shit of the USA, do you?

In Canada, the USA, England, New Zealand and Australia and obviously many others, there is a concerted effort going on to disarm the public legislatively. Or, in some cases, physically, like the RCMP in High River Alberta did in June 2013. They will succeed if we let them. And if they do succeed, God help us ALL.



“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself. Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”
– H.L Mencken

There are many excellent quotes from men and women dating back decades, and even centuries, intended to serve as warnings to then-current and all future generations, regarding the evils capable of an unchecked government. This multitude of “sayings and quotes” we throw around so willy-nilly and build nice internet slogans with seem not to be taken seriously by so many. Consider this; when you were a kid and your mom told you not to rest a plugged-in radio on the side of the bath tub, why the hell do you think she kept reminding of you that? Was she amused by the sound of her voice or was she trying to prevent that inevitable and catastrophic event before it occurred?

You’re probably pretty smart, so I’m guessing you came to understand over the years that her desire was to keep you in a pleasant state of non-death. So why are these warnings (or as Virgin Mobile would call them, a “head’s up”) from oh so long ago continuously disregarded or even mocked? I believe it is because people are like cattle. Or sheep. Or lemmings. We ARE the zombies. People are easily lead and manipulated and subsequently controlled. Mainstream media (example: CNN in America and CBC in Canada or BBC in the UK), who are simply propaganda machines for anything remotely “left wing” (I’ll touch on the left versus right thing later and explain why I said they are machines for the left – it’s an illusion. There is no left, it is only for those in support of the one world government, AKA the United Nations, AKA New World Order), to tell you what to think and believe. As a result of the directives imposed on they themselves via “the Man”, they are allowed to dictate to you what news you need to hear about and what news you just don’t need to interupt your daily bliss with, and what various other issues just aren’t that important or are otherwise “misunderstood” by us cattle class types. Like, say, your personal liberties, right to privacy and our right to own and possess firearms for instance. God forbid you learn something or understand something you weren’t supposed to. But hey, it’s really awesome that we all know what Kim Kardashian and Boner, I mean Bono, are saying and doing! Good grief.

A knowledgeable and self-thinking population of people, who are acutely aware of the actions and intentions of it’s government, are a direct threat TO that government. Governments don’t own and operate militaries, state owned/supported/paid supposedly “private” security entities and state owned police forces to protect the people it lords over from bad guys or outside threats, it uses them to maintain control OF those people and in turn protect it’s own interests, shielded behind the illusion of protecting us…..which we feel as a nice warm blanket of security, protection and patriotism.
