Posts Tagged ‘Nazi’

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here…..

How many people do we think the world can support at one time? I’m not an expert in or at anything, so this is only a hunch, but I’d say not a hell of a lot more. Does that sound reasonable, or do you think I could be way off?

God I hope I’m short……..the “equal and opposite re-action” to a population that is too heavy probably isn’t very nice. In terms of the existence of the human race, as we know it, one thing that is for certain is that population is not cyclic. People come in to this world faster than it ‘expels’ them.

Not only am I “Non-Expert Man!”, but I also am no genius. However, I doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we are growing……and growing and growing, and the real estate ain’t growing with us.

“Attrition”, here needs to kick into high gear. And now. Because there are governments, NGO’s and other mega-corporations, as well as individual million and billionaires that are too huge to be touchable by Man’s own laws, waiting and plotting and directing humanity towards their end goal. It is well known now around the planet that we truly are under the control of a very small group of hands, as compared to the sheer volume of people they ultimately Lord over. Are these people blood sucking, pale vampires or something? No. Not literally. Well, probably not.


These people believe it their destiny to rule the world, and in the sense of changing the “numbers” portion of the game as well. A much reduced, and as per current trends a DISARMED population, is by far a much smaller threat to One’s control of the globe.

So, why gives these ultra-elites the pleasure? Come on, all you nearly dead, living fossils! Let’s get it over with, shall we?

Sick humour. Sick and sad humour. HA

But this isn’t funny. It’s called ‘eugenics‘.

If you don’t like the news source from that link, you can still find thousands of other articles from every conceivable “political bias”.

In fact. If you’ve never heard of or looked into the plan to drop global population numbers, I’d suggest you spend an hour or two and poke around the web.