Posts Tagged ‘Sierra Club’

“We reject the idea of private property”.
– Peter Berle, President of Nation Audubon Society

“Big, messy dirty oil”, amongst others, supplies his organization with millions of dollars anually. Why? Follow the money. Does it lead to the UN?

Quote by Richard Benedik, former U.S./UN bureaucrat: “A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect.”

Quote by David Brower, a founder of the Sierra Club: “The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope.”

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy…Basically it’s a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization…One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.”

Under the guise of environmentalism, certain entities are striving for, often in moves of blatant desperation, to utterly deflate our western economy. And us with it. “Crusaders of the environment” such as Al Gore and David Suzuki, to name but only two, are themselves being utilized as pawns in a war against prosperity and Humanity itself. Oddly enough though, both of them are too stupid to realize they are being used by a higher level of manipulation. Their extreme levels of personal and corporate wealth will protect them from the evils that will befall the rest of us in a short time from now. And even more concerning is that the two of them, individually, generate more real pollution and consume more energy in a year than you and I could hope to do in a couple of lifetimes. Do a quick Google search for the massive private properties of varying forms that they both own and utilize without regard for the environment that, according to them, is on the “brink of collapse” if humanity doesn’t get on board with reducing itself back to stone age methods and lifestyles. Except, if you ARE those two, then it’s okay to continue with “business as usual”. After all, someone has to jet-set around the globe in private airliners, hob-knobbing with the rich and famous and selling tickets to “lectures and seminars” at over $1000 a seat, to tell the rest of us cattle to get rid of our cars and trucks and heat our homes with, what, the sun? Bono, that irritatingly whiney-voiced singer from the band U2 is the anti-Canadian and anti-industry Irish celebrity version of the two affore mentioned crusaders. And again, have a quick look and see what Bono owns and operates for private properties and equipment, not to mention the lucrative investment company he co-owns. “Do as I say, not as I do”, sound familiar? And what the hell is a “Bono” anyway?

Okay, so who are these enviro-crusaders indirectly connected to? Yes, you guessed it, the United Nations.

What does Al Gore build? Enterprises that will “save the planet”. Follow the money. What are these enterprises? Corporations designed to do things like build widgets (spirally lightbulbs that don’t light up a room, that are more harmfull to human and enviro-health then any number of conventional lightbulbs put together can ever hope to acheive….ever, sound familiar? Which, incidently are the LAW to use in England). Ask Lord Monckton about that.

Companies designed to funnel funds from one place to another, like from us to them. Companies designed to implement and manage unicorn dust carbon credits so that “less wealthy” carbon puking nations in the east can continue to spew their truly polluting substances into the atmosphere and ground while any (this is KEY) western nation is severely punished financially and opportunity-wise, and hopefully crippled in the process. Except it’s not the same is it? Western world “pollution” levels absolutely pale in comparison to eastern, less civilized nations like China, or Saudi Arabia or India or Russia or Africa, or or or OR. Do the research and gather some true “climate change” statistics. Take a lesson from Christopher Horner.

His books on the subject will paint a very clear picture for you. Yes, the “greens” have indeed fooled you.

So anyway, what is the real aim of the global environmentalism movement? Sadly, it has nothing to do with “saving the planet” (which does not require “saving” at all, to begin with).

Ian Wishart will explain this very nicely for you…..

You will hear this mantra time and time again. FOLLOW THE MONEY. You should also follow the bloodlines. Watch the above Youtube video and do yourself a favour and read his book Totalitaria which available at any book store. You don’t even have to buy it. Borrow the god damned thing if you have to.

Behind the mask of global environmentalism, peace, “equality” and “sustainable development”, you find the devil himself, the United Nations.
